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Scottish Government Consultations

Job Grant

The Scottish Government wants to get people’s views on the Job Grant, a new benefit which will be delivered by Social Security Scotland to support young people moving back into employment.

The grant will be paid to 16-24 year olds (up to 26 years old for those leaving care) who have been out of paid employment and who have been getting a qualifying benefit. The Scottish Government wants your views on questions like, who should get the Job Grant and how it should be paid.  The closing date for this Consultation is 9th April 2019.

You can see the Consultation online at: consult.gov.scot/social-security/job-grant-eligibility-criteria-consultation/

To find out more or get a paper copy of the Consultation,

call 0131 244 0174 or email JGEligibilityConsultation@gov.scot


Good Food Nation

A lot of work is being done to help people in Scotland to access and understand the benefits of healthy local foods, and to support our wonderful food industry. The Scottish Government wants to change the law so that they can help Scotland become a Good Food Nation. They want to hear your views on these plans. The closing date for this Consultation is 29th March 2019.

You can see the Consultation online at: consult.gov.scot/food-and-drink/good-food-nation/

To find out more or get a paper copy of the Consultation,

call 0131 244 0522 or email goodfoodnation@gov.scot